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Our dedicated chiropractic care team at Reach Health and Wellness Chiropractic is committed to providing exceptional patient care, promoting health and wellness, and educating our clients. We believe that each patient deserves personalized attention and care, and our team of skilled and experienced chiropractors is committed to providing just that. Meet our highly-qualified and skilled team and schedule your chiropractic or massage therapy visit today!
Dr. Ryan is the practicing doctor of chiropractic at the Reach Health and Wellness Chiropractic Ooltewah, TN location. Dr. Ryan attended the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga for his bachelors in biology from 2011 to 2012. He then transferred to Life University where he completed his Bachelor’s degree as well as his Doctorate of Chiropractic. Dr. Ryan has extensive training in multiple adjusting techniques that he utilizes in his practice which includes diversified chiropractic technique, Thompson, Toggle, SOT, and extremity adjusting technique as well functional rehabilitation techniques. Dr. Ryan is married to his lovely wife, Lauren Lee, and they have three adorable children, Roan, Jace, and Sophie. Dr. Ryan enjoys playing tennis, lifting weights, swimming, and spending time with his family.
Meet Dr. Brian Chinn, a practicing doctor of chiropractic at the Reach Health and Wellness Chiropractic Ooltewah, TN location. Dr. Chinn is a highly trained and experienced chiropractic physician with a passion for helping his patients achieve optimal health and wellness. Dr. Chinn began his journey in healthcare by attending the University of Western States in Portland, Oregon, where he earned two degrees; a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Biology and a Doctorate of Chiropractic degree. In addition to this, Dr. Chinn also obtained two other degrees from Southern Adventist University; a B.S. in Business Administration and a Master’s in Financial Management. Dr. Chinn received extensive training in a variety of chiropractic techniques and enjoys helping patients discover therapeutic exercises that complement their care! Dr. Chinn is excited to join the Reach Health and Wellness Chiropractic team and is committed to providing his patients with the highest level of care. His dedication to his patients and his passion for helping them achieve optimal health and wellness make him a valuable asset to our chiropractic team!
Meet the newest addition to the Reach Health and Wellness team, Aeriel! Aeriel joined our team in September, bringing a contagious light and joy into our office. Aeriel graduated from Cleveland State Community College with an associate's in healthcare management. Aeriel is devoted to providing our patients with the personalized attention and care that they deserve. She is committed to creating a comfortable feeling of home for our patients so they can get the care that they need. Outside of the office, Aeriel enjoys spending time with her two children, Kylee and Kayden, as well as helping out her father with his window tinting business.
Ashtyn is a 2022 graduate of the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, where she obtained her bachelor's in communications with a focus in professional writing and rhetoric. She joined our team in May with a background in nonprofit work. Ashtyn has a genuine passion for serving our community and connecting locals to the resources they need to live a better life. She believes in the healing power of chiropractic and is dedicated to helping our community live a pain-free life. When she is not working with our community, Ashtyn enjoys reading, painting, and spending time with her family and friends.